Friday, 27 April 2018

Raising Chicks! Chirp chirp!

Good day everyone!

We had a fabulous week! We have done many new things.

First, we finished our swimming lessons! During our last lesson, we got to play in the waves! 

- "I learned how to swim forwards using the flutter kick." -M
- "I learned how to do a somersault into the water!" -N & D
- "My favourite part was when we got to go into the diving tank for the 3rd time." -D
- "I loved it when I learned how to do a giant cannon ball!" - K
- "I loved when we jumped off of the diving board." -G & T

Did you know that our class is raising chicks?! Last week, we received eggs from a farmer named Mark. He gave us an incubator that is used for holding the eggs and keeping them warm. The eggs do not look like normal eggs that you buy from the store. They are different colours such as green, white, and brownish. The eggs also have brown markings on the shells. It will take 21 days for the eggs to hatch. Today we are on Day 10! Only 11 more days until they hatch! 

We hope you enjoyed our blog post. See you next week!

Love Room 13

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