Friday, 15 June 2018

All About the Zoo!

Hi Everybody!

We had a very awesome week! We had a field trip to the zoo. We had an amazing day with beautiful weather. Here are some of our highlights:

- "The puppet lemur was funny!" -D
- "Some pandas were sleeping. The pandas that were awake were walking over the sleeping ones!" -G
- "When we went to the komodo dragons, one was staying still while the other was moving around." -R
- "When we had free time I loved playing at the zoo park!" -M
- "My favourite animal was the snow leopard."-O
- "My favourite part was when we saw the monkeys!" -M
- "I saw a giant furry caterpillar walking on the floor!" -E
- "My favourite part was seeing the red pandas and the giraffes!" -J
- "The best part was seeing the penguins!" - N
- "I liked seeing the red pandas because they were cute!" -S
- "I liked seeing the giant pandas because one was climbing!" -A
- "I loved the penguin presentation and learned that there is a logo on tuna cans that show no sea animals were harmed with the fishing." -T



Thank you to our amazing volunteers!

Have a great weekend!

Love Room 13

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All About the Zoo!

Hi Everybody! We had a very awesome week! We had a field trip to the zoo. We had an amazing day with beautiful weather. Here are some of o...