Friday, 13 April 2018

Our Hearing and Sound Animal Research

Happy Friday Everyone!

Welcome to our awesome blog. We have had another busy week in Room 13. We are feeling confused with this weather!! Is it spring? Or is it winter?! 

First, we finished our Ukrainian pysanky eggs. We drew designs and symbols on our eggs using coloured Sharpies. In the Ukrainian culture, the symbols tell a story. For example, we learned about symbols that mean memories, life, rain, center of the world and wildlife. Here are some pictures of our work.

Second, this week we started researching about how animals hear. In groups, we researched the unique ways that dolphins, owls, frogs, elephants and bats use their hearing and sound to survive. Here are some interesting facts that we have learned.
- "Owls can hear mice that are under the snow!" - D
- "Bats can hear their prey. They use echolocation for hearing their prey. " - S
- "Frogs don't have outer ears. They have tympanums, which are big, round, ear drums." - A&K
- "Elephants can hear with their trunk and their feet!" -J&T
- "Owls can hear up to 1200 Hz." - H&D

Next week is swimming lessons. Please remember to bring your towel, bathing suit and underwear to school.

Have a great weekend!

Love Room 13

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