Thursday, 8 February 2018

The Great Orchestra!

Welcome everyone!

We had a magnificent week! We were busy working on many activities.

First of all, we went to the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra field trip at the Jack Singer Concert Hall. We saw many instruments such as drums, violins, double basses, and a tuba. They played pieces from three composers: Brahms, Bach, and Beethoven. Here are some of our thoughts about the field trip.
- "I really liked that we got to sit on the top row of seats." -M
- "I liked the drums and symbols." -D
- "I felt scared because we were sitting so high up!"- T
- "I really liked when the harp played." -R
- "I was surprised when two people ran onto the stage!" -T
- "The songs were lovely." -O
- "I liked when the percussion played." -H

This week we started Math Problem Monday. In our class, we are going to be given a challenging task that we will work to solve. Can you fill in the blanks to this problem?

Also, this week we did science centers. We experimented with different fasteners such as tape, marshmallows, Lego, rubber bands and plasticine to see which one was the strongest. Now we have different choices of fasteners to use when we build our prototype bridges for Columbia!

Stay warm this weekend!

Love Room 13

1 comment:

All About the Zoo!

Hi Everybody! We had a very awesome week! We had a field trip to the zoo. We had an amazing day with beautiful weather. Here are some of o...